What causes hydrocephalus?

There are many reasons for getting hydrocephalus some are born with it and some acquire it from injuries. 

At birth
     When a child is born with hydrocephalus there could be many reasons why. It could be a result of the condition spina bifida which is when a child's spine did not develop properly. Second babies can be born with hydrocephalus if they have aqueduct stenosis. Aqueduct stenosis is when there is narrowing of the small passageway called the aqueduct of Sylvius that connects two main ventricles in the brain. Also children may contract hydrocephalus from the following ; Bleeding in the brain, injury before or after child birth, infections that affect the nervous system, tumors in the brain or spinal cord, and injury or trauma.

Acquired Hydrocephalus  
     Although it is not common for adults and elderly to have get hydrocephalus it does happen. This may be in result of a cranial hemorrhage which is bleeding in the brain and can be very serious. This can also happen if someone has a traumatic head injury. 

Not every case of hydrocephalus is due to one of the causes mentioned here. Many kids develop hydrocephalus without a known cause.