What are the affects of hydrocephalus?

     Most children with hydrocephalus grow up to live normal lives but some aren't so lucky. Because hydrocephalus has to do with the brain some children end up having varying degrees of learning, physical and neurological disabilities. Along with treatment, the affects of hydrocephalus have to do with the cause of it. If someone contracted hydrocephalus by a disorder than they have the best chance at living a normal life. On the other hand, someone that gets hydrocephalus from a tumor usually do poorly. Along with mental disabilities some children will end up having vision problems and difficulties with motor skills. In serious cases hydrocephalus can lead to problems with the heart and breathing but this is very uncommon. In addition children with hydrocephalus will go through puberty faster and earlier than most children do. In conclusion people who grow up having hydrocephalus can have a wide range of effects but generally people with hydrocephalus grow up to be successful people who thrive in society.